A Snapshot of Innovation Day 2024

Last week, it was time for Carmenta’s biannual Innovation Day (spring edition), a time for employees to break from day-to-day routines and get creative. It’s a day and a half dedicated to experimentation, collaboration, and fun, allowing team members to explore projects of their choice.

The result showcased ranged from playful experiments to practical solutions. Examples included:

  • Using a game controller to interact with a Carmenta Engine map.
  • Designing a game with the goal of flying the best route from somewhere in the world to Gothenburg in time for Swedish “fika”.
  • Calculating the optimal rendezvous point for two moving vehicles with flexible paths.
  • Exploring effective memory management to further improve performance.

For employees, Innovation Day offers an opportunity to collaborate across departments, fostering creativity and knowledge sharing. At the same time, it contributes to Carmenta’s culture of innovation. By dedicating time to explore new concepts, we aim to inspire fresh perspectives and insights that pave the way for future advancements in our products and services.

Keep an eye out, some of these innovations may eventually find their way into our products, or maybe our tradeshow booths.

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