
Great days at AFCEA 2024

Last week, we exhibited at the AFCEA Exhibition 2024. We had hectic and inspiring days, and we want to thank everyone who visited our booth for the engaging discussions.

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Welcome to Carmenta's new website

Today we are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website, along with an updated visual identity and logotype. Alongside these exciting updates, we are also launching our new newsletter today.

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New release: Carmenta Engine 5.16.2

Today, we are happy to announce the service release 5.16.2 of Carmenta Engine, the powerful map engine for Windows, Linux and Android. The service release contains various stability improvements.

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Carmenta presenting at GVSETS 2024

We are excited to announce that for the second consecutive year, Carmenta’s Geospatial Technical Paper has been chosen for presentation at the prestigious Autonomy, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (AAIR) Technical Session at GVSETS.

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A Snapshot of Innovation Day 2024

Last week, it was time for Carmenta’s biannual Innovation Day (spring edition), a time for employees to break from day-to-day routines and get creative. It’s a day and a half dedicated to experimentation, collaboration, and fun, allowing team members to explore projects of their choice.

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Flying BVLOS drones within London Heathrow Airport

Operating drones in highly congested urban environments is a challenge. To do it beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) and autonomously, is an even greater challenge. This is what Carmenta technology is currently being developed to address within the HADO® Project, with the goal to implement the first real-world application of such as system at London Heathrow Airport.

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Meet the newest member of the Carmenta Sales team

Monica Hjertstrand joined Carmenta just a month ago, taking on the shared responsibilities of Account Executive Nordics & Sales Operations Manager. With an extensive background in IT and sales of complex IT solutions, Monica is a valuable addition to our sales team and will work on further improving our commercial offerings.

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Real-time situational awareness for managing UAS missions

The latest issue of Defence & Security Systems International magazine, features an interesting article about Carmenta technology. It describes how real-time handling and analysis of geospatial data from diverse sources allows for dynamic decision-making, which is crucial for efficient planning and management of UAS missions.

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Carmenta Engine 5.16.1 released

Carmenta is pleased to announce the service release 5.16.1 of Carmenta Engine, the powerful map engine for Windows, Linux and Android. The service release contains various stability improvements.

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Season’s greetings

We at Carmenta would like to express a heartfelt thank you for the past year! We are looking forward to a new and exciting 2024.This year, Carmenta will be making a Christmas donation to Save the Children.

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Extended Agreement with University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Carmenta is thrilled to announce the extension of its long-standing collaboration with the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. The renewed ten-year agreement provides continued integration of the Carmenta Engine into advanced simulation environments focused on enabling future Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) Fast-Jet, Transport and Attack-Helicopter missions.

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