Thank you for visiting us at GVSETS 2024

13–15 August, we exhibited at GVSETS 2024. For the second consecutive year, we had a Technical Paper selected for presentation at the Autonomy, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (AAIR) Technical Session at GVSETS. Thank you to everyone who attended our presentation and  who visited our booth for great discussions. 

This year’s technical paper focused on ‘Risk-adaptive rendezvous planning for resupply missions in the battlefield’.

In our session at GVSETS, we presented a resupply path planning algorithm, the Adaptive Intercepting Path Planning (AIPP) algorithm, that balances risk and travel time to find the most suitable rendezvous point among several. The algorithm provides the users with important information about the level of risk associated with the selected path, and supports frontline operations and enhances real-time combat effectiveness.

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