
Upcoming Webinar on UAS Operations

Published on: 2024-10-04

Webinar on UAS Operations

How can we solve some of the pressing issues faced by UAS service providers, ranging from technical hurdles and regulatory compliance to airspace integration and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations?


Join our free upcoming webinar ‘Enhancing Efficiency and Safety in UAS Operations’, October 17th, for an overview of the critical challenges and opportunities in UAS Mission Planning, as well as an introduction to Carmenta UAS Services.


For those of you that have already got started with a trial of Carmenta UAS Services, the webinar also includes a “How to get started” session on how the API and technology works.

Want to watch on-demand? To watch the webinar after the event has taken place, sign up on the same link below, and watch the webinar on-demand.

Read more and sign up!


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