
Webinar: Risk-adaptive Rendezvous Planning for Resupply Missions

Published on: 2024-10-31


Risk-adaptive Rendezvous Planning for Resupply Missions

Watch our on-demand webinar about the crucial role of supply lines in the battlefield. 

Maintaining a steady flow of supplies to frontline units is not just important—it’s critical. Running out of ammunition or essential supplies can halt an offensive, force a retreat, or even lead to a complete breakdown of the front line. At the same time, supply vehicles are often high-value targets exposed to numerous threats on the battlefield.

Partly based on our technical whitepaper presented at GVSETS in 2023, this webinar deep dives into the intricacies of determining the best rendezvous points in a resupply mission, taking into account the various threats that exist. The goal is to minimize exposure to risk while ensuring that supplies are delivered promptly, allowing frontline units to continue their initiatives without the need to return to base.

Webinar highlights:

  • Insights into off-road navigation, from terrain data to dynamic routing.
  • How strict rendezvous deadlines drive the selection of a solution with minimal exposure time to threats.
  • Technical Deep Dive: Solving Complex Routing Challenges and Future Innovations with the Adaptive Intercepting Path Planning (AIPP) algorithm.

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