Geospatial Data from Any Source

Scalable and reliable map services
Carmenta Server allows you to visualize and distribute your geospatial data from a centralized server. Designed specifically for service-oriented architectures (SOAs), it is a reliable, performant, and interoperable backend for map applications.
Powered by Carmenta Engine, Carmenta Server can read, process, and render a large number of data formats – and make them available to a multitude of compatible clients as open and standardized interactive web services.
Delivers openness by conforming to open standards for both data sources and service protocols. This provides interoperability, where datasets and systems work together.
Whether you have data stored as raster or vector files, in spatial databases or hosted as OGC web services, we’ve got you covered.
Built in support for analyses such as line of sight, vertical profile, vertical clearance and terrain routing. And support for plugging in your custom analysis.
Host your map services onboard your local system or scale up to run on large cluster server, on-premise or in the cloud, it’s up to you.
Carmenta Server is the ideal tool for building highly scalable web-based map applications as well as supporting your desktop map applications, whether these are third-party or based on Carmenta Engine.
System integrators and software developers can benefit from Carmenta Server’s adaptability and small footprint, as it can be easily integrated into any new or existing system architecture. Not to mention its hassle-free setup, user-friendly administration, and flexible licensing system. With Carmenta Server’s Software Development Kit (SDK), customers can develop, test and integrate online map services in a cost-effective manner.
Carmenta Server has demonstrated outstanding performance and reliability in operational deployments, and handles all map and sensor data, together with all other types of 2D and 3D geospatial information.
Carmenta Server and Carmenta Server Core are two deployment versions, targeting two different platforms. They are based on one shared code base and features the same geospatial services and functionality. Simply choose what best suits your needs.
Are you ready to see how our products can transform your work? Request a free trial today and explore the full potential of our geospatial technology.
This form can be used to request a trial for Carmenta Engine, Carmenta Server or Carmenta Map Builder.